There can be as many TSOfile as specific location to output. Output txt file name for Time serie output of a single location. Netcdf output file name for area serie output Wind boundary file (see below for details) Sea level boundary file (see below for details) Same format as the bathymetry file but with sediment layer thickness values in m See details belowįilename of the wave boundary file. Morphological factor 0 no changes in morphology 1 normal changes in morpho >1 accelerated morphological changes (beware this doesn't accelerate the bnd you have to do this manually)īathymetry file, positive down. Max change within a step to avoid avalanching tsunami

Sand fall velocity (should be calculated) m/s Sediment Parameters (Only needed when sedtrans=1) Parameter name This is only required when using wave boundary type 1, 4 and 5 If ntheta is not specified but dtheta is specified by the user then ntheta will be calculated from dtheta. If specified ntheta will be calculated from dtheta instead This is only required when using wave boundary type 1, 4 and 5ĭirectional space resolution. Maximum value for directional space in the wave model. Minimum value for directional space in the wave model. the location of outcropping bedrock is determined with the sediment thickness file and updated at every Morphology step. A specific value can be given to Sand(cfsand) or Bedrock(cfreef). with wave group) and use 2 when not forcing wave groupĬalibration factorfor wave dissipation (should be 1.0) Wave dissipation model 1: roelvink 2: Baldock. aka no wci in water depth shallower than this Wave current interaction (0: no 1: yes, 0.1-0.9: When model is not stable) AUtomatically calculated for earth when setting up lat Smagorinsky coeff only used if usesmago = 1Ĭoriolis force. Uses smagorynsky formulation to calculate viscosity 0: No 1: Yes Viscosity coefficient for roller induced turbulent horizontal viscosity a specific value can be given to Sand(cfsand) or Bedrock(cfreef). md bathy input and can be included in the netcdf file explicitelyĪcceleration of gravity for Mars use 3.71m/s2ĭensity of Water in kg/m3 for rum use 940.0 kg/m3īottom friction (Chezy formulation). Only required when using XBeach style bathymetry or netcdf. Only required when using XBeach style bathymetry need to be >0.0. nc bathy inputīathymetry grid resolution. Only required when using XBeach style bathymetry. 0) and 1 for second GPU etc.īathymetry grid size. What GPU device to use default is the firt one availabe (i.e. Switch to run the morphology modeule to apply the sediment source and sink to the bathymetry Switch to run the sediment transport module Switch to use the coupled hydrodynamics model. the wave group modulationcomes from the wave boundary. The default is also highlighted here: General Parameters Parameter name #XBGPU has only one required parameter and that is the bathymetry grid nameĪll the parameters below can be assigned one or several values.

#If you want to add a comment at the end of a line with a parameter you can do it after putting a semi column #Obviously you have to put the right name down (spelling and case sensitive) otherwise the line will be ignored #Any number of leading space or space between the parameter name and the equal sign will be accepted. # Remenber that you can only put one parameter per line # You can use the traditional XBeach way of specifying the parameter #Any lines starting with the Hash tag will be ignored Model parameters can be modified in the file by specifiying the parameter name, the equal sign, the desired value for the parameter and optionally a semi-column However the 2 models are quite different and despite our effort you shouldn't expect that a given option or default values in one model is the same in the other. To differenciate with XBeach, in XBGPU the file is called XBGPU_param.txtĪgain the file structure is similar to XBeach so that it would be easy to switch from one to the other. Just like with Xbeach the model parameters are controled with an input file that is necessary to run the model. Make sure to keep all page content within the #page-content-wrapper. On small screens, the page content will be pushed off canvas. When toggled using the button below, the menu will appear/disappear. The menu will appear collapsed on smaller screens, and will appear non-collapsed on larger screens. This template has a responsive menu toggling system.